A bit more background
By the time I retired from the Coast Guard I had fallen behind on the newer technologies that the service had adopted, and it bothered me. I told myself that whatever company I worked for next, and whatever software or systems they used; I was going to dive headfirst into knowing as much as I could about it. I went back to school, graduated at the top of my college, and went to work in Project Management for the largest Houston, TX based general contractor.
They were an enterprise level Procore customer and I dove in headfirst just as I promised myself. Within my first year with the company they offered me a new role in the company, Construction Technology Manager. My primary purpose was to lead the charge to getting the most out of Procore. With over 600 concurrent active projects the opportunities to learn never stopped. It was a challenging and rewarding experience that made me want to do more with Procore.
During this time Procore asked me to be the Leader of the Houston Area Procore User Group in their online community, I accepted. I quickly found that a lot of users at other companies had questions and I had answers. I wanted the opportunity to assist a wider audience than just the company I worked for.
Today, my mission is finding solutions for Procore users like you.